Nun habe ich mir ein paar nette Sachen einfallen lassen, um heckmotorsportwagen in Zukunft für euch noch geschmackvoller zu gestalten !

Vielen Dank an alle Follower, Fans, Freunde und Besucher von heckmotorsportwagen, nutzt immer schön die Überholspur !
actually I slept through, more or less my own birthday, at April 1st was the first birthday of heckmotorsportwagen ! Huh, there was pretty much during the past year ! Initially I had no idea what I wanted to achieve with this blog. At first, it should only get a photoblog, but in the meantime some spontaneously and interesting stories happened that I couldn't report about ... lack of time ... Missing or lean lyrics were often also on the agenda ...
Now I have let me come up with a few nice things for the future of heckmotorsportwagen to make it even more tasty for you !
Thanks to all followers, fans, friends and visitors of heckmotorsportwagen, always use the fast lane!
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